The Truth Behind the “Marijuana Kills Brain Cells” Study

During the “Reefer Madness” era there was a lot of negative information being spread regarding cannabis. One study in particular became one of the most quoted of the movement.

“Marijuana Kills Brain Cells”

Unfortunately, this study relied on a faulty basis. Many of them forced monkeys to smoke excessive amounts of pot through a gas mask. In fact, researchers administered 63 joints of cannabis in five minutes with no air in between. It is not new news that asphyxiation kills brain cells, however the study was utilized to strengthen the argument against marijuana use.

Dr. Heath from Tulane University was the individual to lead the study on Rhesus monkeys. After the initial research they reported only administering 30 joints a day for 30 days before the monkeys began to die off 90 days later. But no details were included about the inhumane treatment which later revealed asphyxiation and carbon monoxide poisoning. Since a gas mask was used to administer the smoke, the smoke became very concentrated without means to escape. Carbon monoxide is a deadly gas that kills brain cells, and is given off by any burning object.

Since the details of the experiment was released in 1980 it has been an uphill battle to re-educate the public about the true effects and uses of cannabis. There have been plenty of studies since the False Monkey Study revealing effective uses of cannabis to combat cancer cell growth and Alzheimer’s disease, unfortunately studies like the False Monkey Study have been the basis for cannabis education in most of America. The mass public has been negatively influenced about cannabis for the past decade resulting in cognitive dissonance when new studies expose something different (Cognitive Dissonance–mental stress or discomfort experienced by an individual who holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values at the same time).

Keep your eyes, ears and mind open on Truthful Tuesdays!


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